Thanks and Giving


Thanks : Expressing Gratitude….
What are we expressing gratitude for? Most of us at this time of year share our gratitude of our family, our friends, our health and well being. But what about all the other “things” that come up in our life? The things we see as loss, betrayal, hurt, unworthy…. should we not give thanks for these as well? To me these are the stepping stones to our greater good. these are what help us to see a bigger picture, to have a better understanding of ourselves and others…these are the lessons we learn that grow the compassion and grace within us. When we stop and look at what experience took place, we inevitably learn something, see something from a new perspective.. we gain understanding. Without this, how can we possibly understand and help someone else when a similar experience happens to them.
It is not a loss, it is an opening and clearing for something better. That which has moved on has served its purpose, lived its journey, left its lessons for you to implement into your life, and now it has lovingly made way for something even grater to now occupy that space.
It is not betrayal, it is a gift . A gift of a new beginning so that which you are truly worthy of can come in and grace your heart. It was a change of choice…one that you may not understand at the moment it happens, but when you look back and see all that unfolded , you can see that it was in fact a beautiful gift for you.
It is not meant to be a hurt that stays, it is brought to you so you can have a fuller heart of compassion, understanding, and self love. All gifts that your heart gives to all who surround you.
The same with the feeling that you are not receiving something or lose something because you feel you are unworthy of it….NO , quite the opposite! YOU are worth so much more! You are worthy of the best of the best, and that which you think was the bomb, was in retrospect a dud! Divine Creator has something MUCH BETTER in store for you! Be patient, feel the allowance of patience and you will truly be overflowing with gratitude when what is actually ” The Bomb” is brought into your vibration!

Giving : contribute, supply, transfer …..
This is our gift to others….to contribute to their happiness with ease and grace, to supply selflessly joy and gratitude to others, the universe, and ourselves, and to transfer from our hearts to all others LOVE and PEACE in EVERYTHING we do ❤
So this Holiday Season , take a few moments to give thanks for ALL that you have, and Give wholeheartedly to others from a place of Love and not expectation!
Happy Thanks- Giving to you all ❤